Helpful Services
Childcare services, tutoring, online education services, and other great recommendations from within the community.
Boulder Public Library

Home to amazing resources both in-person and online. Check out the website for storytimes, book lists, staff picks, audiobooks, homework help, and more.
P: (303) 441-3100
Cultural Care Au Pair

Affordable, flexible childcare with the added element of a cultural exchange. These young foreigners have childcare backgrounds and are eager to be a part of your family. They care for your children in exchange for the opportunity to live with an American familly and have a unique experience. These relationships can last for years and bring depth to your child’s vision of the world. Up to 45 hours per week of childcare.
P: (303) 956-6189 - Jen Rodehaver
Boulder Valley School District

The only BVSD Youth and Family Resource Guide. Find services and activities your family needs. Tutoring, counseling, the arts, child care, support services, college planning, cooking, birthday parties, and more.
Longmont Public Library

409 4th Ave, Longmont, CO 80501
The Longmont Public Library Children and Teen Services area is filled with free fun, learning, and exploring! From vibrant storytimes to craft adventures, interactive video games, dancing, books, and music there's something for everyone. We hope to see you at the Library soon, whether for an event, a book recommendation, or simply to spend time with the Longmont community and your friendly librarians.
Banking and savings, for all your banking needs.