Wow. A spring roll recipe for the Spring Issue - how creative. We couldn't help ourselves! Which fruit combinations will you try??
Ingredients • Rice paper wrappers • Fruits of choice to cut into “matchsticks” (apples, pears, mango, pineapple) • Fruits of choice to cut into slices (strawberries, bananas, kiwis, oranges) • 1⁄3 cup hot water • A plate big enough to fit the rice paper
What You Do:
Wash and dry your produce before starting!
Cut your fruits into slices. These are the fruits that will show through the rice paper wrapper!
Cut your other fruits into matchsticks that are about 6 inches in length.
Pour hot water onto a plate; be careful not to splash.
Place one rice paper sheet into the hot water for 10 seconds. Make sure the entire wrapper gets wet.
Place the wet wrapper on a dry plate or cutting board.
In the middle of the wrapper, place several slices of fruit that you sliced in step #2.
Place the matchstick fruit on top of the fruit slices. Add as much or as little as you want. The more you add, the thicker the roll will be.
Fold the corner of the rice paper over the fruit. Tuck in the sides and continue rolling.
10. Serve and enjoy!
This recipe was inspired by NaturalDeets Blog